“Garbage Day”, an animated film by Henry P. (age 7) to a song performed by Mike and Carleen McCornack, written by Mike McCornack. We’d been looking for an animator for […]
You may have noticed (we certainly have) that physical CDs are gradually becoming harder to purchase as the world of music media gravitates towards streaming and online video. Many of […]
As of July 9, 2018, we have moved our website from our old domain name, gardenvariety.com. That name is going to new owners, and we wish them well. We’re excited […]
Welcome to gardenvarietymusic.com, the new home of Garden Variety Productions and Mike & Carleen McCornack! We are in the process of leaving our old home, gardenvariety.com, which is going to […]
We had a wonderful time playing with Dale Bradley at the Drift Inn in Yachats, Oregon on June 24, 2017. Gretchen and the entire staff are always a pleasure to […]